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8 Questions Parents Ask Most From Google-2

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8 Questions Parents Ask Most From Google-2

From our last post, we were able to see some funny and honest questions that parents ask from google. The reason they ask Google such questions is because they are concerned about the health of their wards. Well, we would consider some few questions here as well too.

1. Why does my baby cry so much?
Some babies cry excessively and this causes some concern in their parents. Crying can be caused by tantrum, disease or fever. Persistent crying should always deserve the attention of parents.

Babies up to three months of age may cry with colic, with a peak around six weeks of age, but it certainly varies greatly from baby to baby. Babies who persist crying excessively after three months should be evaluated by the pediatrician.

To rule out other causes of excessive crying, such as an allergy to food protein.

2. Why does my baby hiccup so much?
The hiccups are caused by incoordination of the diaphragm muscle and common in babies, especially after the feeding. Parents worry more than they bother the baby. They go by themselves, not requiring intervention.

3. Why does my baby cry while sleeping?
Babies dream and have nightmares and this may be one of the reasons for waking up crying. The crying may also be related to what we call partial awakening, known as night terror.

In this case, the baby moves quickly from a deep to superficial sleep phase, and while still sleeping, cries intensely worrying parents.

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This second case is more common from the second year of life and parents should not try to wake or calm their children at this time, just watch it so you do not get hurt. It can happen more often after very hectic days or if your child has changed the sleep routine.

4. Why does my baby move so much?
It is important for parents to understand the uniqueness of each baby and some children are more agitated than others.

Each baby is unique and shows from the uterine life different behavioral characteristics. The environment can also exert its influence, shaping the temperament of your child.

5. Why does my baby wake up crying?
Waking up crying can either be related to a nightmare or to some unique feature of your child.

It may be just a characteristic of your baby, or he is going through a period of increased insecurity, which usually happens in periods of acquisition of new skills in their development, whether motor or cognitive.

6. Why does not my baby get fat?
Go through times of weight maintenance are more than normal. According to Dr. Roberto Bittar this can be caused by possible acute diseases, periods of change in the food routine and phases of its development.

If your baby shows a lack of weight gain for no apparent reason, your pediatrician should evaluate it and eventually request laboratory tests to elucidate whether there is any clinical cause for it.

7. Why does not my baby burp?
Do not worry, if your baby does not belch after a feed, this is not a problem. In general babies who suck quietly, without swallowing air and do not cry a lot, belch very little.

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To help your baby belch, your pediatrician explains a method. Leaving the baby up, and helping with light patches on the back. Alternative positions with the baby leaning back or forward can also be used.

8. Why did my baby drink so much?
From the age of two to three months, the maturation of the salivary glands, coupled with the fact that your baby is holding his hand to his mouth frequently, starts to drool a lot. It usually improves with the eruption of the first dentin at seven months of age.

If the child is older and continues to drool, this may be associated with mouth breathing, secondary to facial muscle hypotonia (very common in children who use a bottle or pacifier for a long time), or to show difficulty in breathing Nasal obstruction due to adenoids or even allergic rhinitis.

Regardless of your child’s problem, if he continues to present any changes that cause you concern, seek a professional who can better clarify the situation and point out solutions to your question.

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